GENUKI book by David Hawgood: publishing and copyright

GENUKI. U.K. and Ireland Genealogy on the Internet.

This book was published in two forms.

On-line web pages at

A printed book, now out of print.

Copyright 2000 David Hawgood, who has asserted his right under the 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act to be identified as author.

Pages from this book may be printed for personal use, but printing, sale or distribution of multiple copies is prohibited without permission from the author.

The author is pleased to acknowledge copyright in examples which are short extracts from web pages. The source is given with the internet link and the name of the originator in the caption under each example.

The author thanks those who have commented on a draft of this book: Brian Randell, Phil Stringer, Peter Christian, Brian Pears, Ruth Satterthwaite and Barbara Hawgood.

Many examples are from the GENUKI web pages. The author is contributing a royalty from sales of this book towards costs of GENUKI and other provision of free genealogical information on the Internet.

GENUKI is a registered trade mark of the charitable trust GENUKI, see About GENUKI as an organisation

This book is dedicated to the originators and maintainers of GENUKI.


Page prepared by David Hawgood on 29 March 2000, amended 2 Feb 2010

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